Are you a post-secondary institution that offers credit to CASE students? Complete this form to be added to this page.
CASE certified teachers can partner with colleges and universities to college credit to high school students completing CASE courses.
Rutgers University offers up to 17 transfer credits to high school students who have successfully completed a specific CASE course taught by a CASE certified teacher. For more information or to complete an articulation agreement, please visit this link. Interested in highlighting this opportunity in your classroom? Print a poster at this link!
School districts across Iowa have opportunities to make agricultural science education more of a priority in their school systems. Those school districts currently offering CASE courses to their students can make those credits count towards high school graduation in a different way beyond elective credits and help students meet the Regent Admission Index (RAI) to attend Iowa’s universities. For more information regarding Iowa Core Standards and adding value to agriculture credit, check out this link.
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College offers up to 15 credit hours for students who successfully complete specific CASE courses taught by a certified CASE Instructor and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 in said course. These courses will be posted to specific Agribusiness electives as outlined in our articulation agreement. For specific information, contact the Agribusiness Program Manager, Tiffany Hine. Learn more about Blue Ridge Community and Technical College at this link.
Michigan agricultural education students who are program completers by completing all twelve AFNR segments of standards and earn their State FFA Degree are eligible to receive six credits at Michigan State University. CASE curriculum can be used towards the program completer requirement. Students must submit the form at this link.
Students who complete a CASE pathway, have an unweighted GPA of 3.0 or above, and successfully present their CASE research project are eligible for three credits through the University of Maryland's Institute of Applied Agriculture (IAA). For more information regarding this opportunity, contact Roy Walls and review the document attached here.
Delaware Valley University offers up to 21 transfer credits to high school students who have successfully completed a specific CASE course taught by a CASE certified teacher. Check out their College Tour and more information on their CASE credits.