
Small Gas Engines (SGE)

Course Description

SGE is a specialization-level module in the Mechanical Systems in Agriculture series. The module provides technical applications to mechanical systems, using small gas engines as the instructional tool. Students practice technical skills, including measurements, troubleshooting, documenting an engine teardown and assembly, completing work/repair orders, and reading a service manual.

This 12-week module can be paired with other modules in the Mechanical Systems in Agriculture series or supplement a standard small engines or ag mechanics curriculum.


"Small Gas Engines is designed to be teacher and student friendly. It takes students to a complete engine to one completely torn apart - they get it back together and running again with step-by-step instructions and APPs to huide them along the way."

Grace Godfrey, Wyoming

Equipping Teachers

  • Specialization level
  • Full year course
  • Inquiry and project based instructional practices
  • Offered via BriefCASE

Engaging Students

  • Disassemble and reassemble an engine
  • Learn life skills for troubleshooting engines
  • Technical skills prepare students for home ownership
  • Careers in diesel, outdoor power equipment, and agricultural equipment maintenance

Instructional Units

    • Expectations
    • Diagnostics
    • Safe Setting
    • Equipment Safety
    • Engine Operation
    • Machine Assembly


    BriefCASE Training

    Specialized professional development for shortened CASE courses approximately a semester in length. BriefCASEs range from five hours to three days.


    Flexibility & Adaptability

    CASE provides a comprehensive professional development experience, in addition to a work-life balance so teachers can best educate their students. Course work is adaptable and customizable based on teacher preference to fit all geographies and communities.


    CASE is an initiative of the National Council for Agricultural Education (The Council).

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